Possible Dreams BY D56 - SANTA - MERRY BAKE SALE (2 Pieces)The Possible Dreams by Dept 56 "Merry Bake Sale" captures a heartwarming scene where Santa indulges in the delights of a child's bake sale. W..
Possible Dreams BY D56 - SANTA - UT FOR DELIVERIESThe Possible Dreams Disney by Dept 56 "Out for Deliveries" figurine depicts a festive scene featuring Santa Claus preparing to embark on his gift-givi..
Possible Dreams BY D56 - SANTA ON GINGERBREAD CHAIRThis charming piece features Santa seated on a gingerbread chair, engaging with a delighted child. With intricate detailing and warm colours, the fig..
Possible Dreams BY D56 - SUPPER SIZE SANTASanta's workload is massive! With an extensive list and an enormous bag, his task seems daunting. However, his magic comes to the rescue, allowing everything ..